Report : Jimmy Olsen
Content : Carey Ramm, AEC Group contact, Dalle Cort Financial
Monday, 16th January 2012
The Plain Truth has uncovered statements (click here for statement re Carey Ramm) which point to very serious and potentially criminal invoicing irregularities from Carey Ramm’s AEC Group to ozdaq (Storm Financial). These allegations are yet to be brought to the attention of the fraud squad for criminal investigation.
Four related persons of interest emerged very early in our investigation into the CBA / Storm saga. They are:
– Tony Raggatt – Reporter of the Townsville Bulletin and closely associated with Isi Dalle Cort and Carey Ramm.
– Bernie Ripoll – the Chairman of Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services.
– Isi Dalle Cort – Financial Advisor, Founder and CEO of Dalle Cort Financial Services an authorised representative of MLC Financial Planning, competitor of Storm. Isi Dalle Cort uses the same business model as Storm.
– Carey Ramm – Chairman of the AEC Group, close associate of Bernie Ripoll, close friend and business associate of Isi Dalle Cort.
Carey Ramm is the epicentre of these four persons of interest and will briefly be dealt with in this report whilst the remaining three will be reported on in future articles.
Whilst the CBA provided the muscle to sink Storm physically and the lies to destroy many exemplary reputations, it was others who used the CBA’s ammunition for their own agenda. It became clear early in the piece that Tony Raggatt flanked by Carey Ramm and Isi Dalle Cort led the charge against Storm with Bernie Ripoll coming up the rear to drive home the final spike.
The toxicity and savagery of the attacks remained a mystery for a period. The Plain Truth could not understand the reason why the attacks were so vicious given that not one of the persons of interest had skin in the game or had been adversely affected by Storm’s destruction. The extent of the vicious reaction displayed by these four protagonists far exceeded even that of the most negatively opinionated Storm client – who at least may have had an excuse.
Carey Ramm’s outward display of outrage, ostensibly on behalf of those affected, was insufficient to explain the intensity of his attacks on Storm. His desire, bordering on hatred, to orchestrate retribution against Strom and Emmanuel Cassimatis in particular was even more disproportionate. Ramm has been described as ‘ruthless’ by some of his former clients and business associates and ‘cold and calculating’ by another. All wish to remain nameless out of fear with one stating “I know what this guy is capable of”.
Ramm’s extreme reaction against Storm and Emmanuel Cassimatis had remained a mystery until The Plain Truth uncovered the reasons behind his bitterness.
In 2000 Storm Financial (then know as ozdaq securities) tasked Carey Ramm from the AEC Group to among other things develop and commission ozdaq’s website, corporate profile and marketing strategy. Emmanuel Cassimatis requested that ozdaq have a unique identity and ownership of the intellectual material. As it turned out Carey Ramm’s firm did the work for ozdaq then proceeded to copy ozdaq’s work almost duplicating their website for the benefit of his friend Isi Dalle Cort (an ozdaq competitor). This was the final straw that contravened the agreement that ozdaq (Storm Financial) had with Carey Ramm’s, AEC Group. Once Cassimatis had uncovered Ramm’s duplicity and complete void of ethics, he sacked Ramm on the spot marching him out of the Storm office. According to Cassimatis this left a bitter taste with Ramm who is reported to have said, “You [Cassimatis] should have stuck with me, I could have made you Mr Big in this town’.
Ramm’s desire for revenge at the time became evident soon after. He lobbied against ozdaq / Storm at every opportunity culminating with Ramm coordinating Tony Raggatt and Isi Dalle Cort in attacks against Storm from Dec 08. Such was Ramm’s cunning that it is alleged he used the fallout from CBA’s action against Storm and their clients for personal gain by directing many of the embattled casualties towards his business associate Isis Dalle Cort.
Far more sinister than Ramm’s desire for revenge against Cassimatis are serious and credible signed statements The Plain Truth has obtained from people who were within the AEC Group at the time. It has been alleged by former AEC employee’s that Mr Ramm routinely ‘padded’ invoices to his clients to the tune of thousands of dollars and made exaggerated success claims to clients and potential clients. These statements point to potentially criminal invoicing irregularities from AEC to ozdaq (Storm Financial). These allegation are yet to be brought to the attention of the fraud squad for criminal investigation. Carey Ramm could not be contacted for comment.
Carey Ramm contact details
AEC Group – Townsville – 07 4771 5550
[email protected]
The Plain Truth asks former Storm clients and aggrieved parties associated with AEC Group or Carey Ramm to send in any damning information. This evidence can forwarded to The Plain Truth through our ‘contact us’ tab. Thank you.
More importantly please, please help spread the word.
The Editor
The Plain Truth,
PO Box 2783
New Farm QLD 4005
Content : Carey Ramm, AEC Group contact, Dalle Cort Financial
2001.12.31 d statement re Carey Ramm ethics
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