Viewing proof of bank misconduct successfully avoided by Senate Economics Committee

Sub-editor : Rickson Braulio

Content : Senate Economics Committee, post-GFC banking sector, Storm clients

Tuesday 17th July 2012

On Sunday 3rd June The Plain Truth was asked by Storm clients to assist with a contribution towards a submission to the Inquiry into the post-GFC banking sector.  A submission was made and forwarded to the Senate Economics Committee on Wednesday 6th June in the hope, but not the expectation, that the evidence presented would lead to a re-evaluation of the PJC’s 2009 flawed findings.

On the same day that The Plain Truths submission was lodged the Senate Economics Committee acknowledged by email receipt of the submission (click here to view Senate confirmation email).

Because of the lack of response from the Senate Economics Committee, The Plain Truth sent a follow up email on Friday 15th June asking the committee its intentions and again expressing the hope that the committee would accept and publish our submission (click here to view The Plain Truths follow up email).

The Plain Truth analysis of submissions that had already been accepted and published by the Senate Economics Committee ominously pointed to a committee preference for publishing ‘emotion-laden’ offerings which were principally devoid of facts and were simply an outpouring  of the writers anguish and frustration.  This confirmed our view that nothing stuffs up a good yarn like the facts and accordingly our expectations and hopes that our submission would be published were very low.

Hurrah! (…not).  The Senate Economics Committee fully met our expectations and informed The Plain Truth on Friday 22nd June, in no uncertain terms, that the committee intended to NOT publish our submission (click here to view commitees rejection email).

On Tuesday 17th July, The Plain Truth continued banging our collective heads against the very hard brick wall of apathy, disinterest by once again responding to the committee with a plea to reconsider our submission.  We continue to expect to be confronted by the typical tactics employed by those in positions of power and authority to gag the inconvenient truth and protect their precious wbanking system.  Our self explanatory email response follows…

The Plain Truth urges all readers to contact the Senate Economics Committee and push to have our submission included in the Inquiry into the Post GFC Banking Sector.  The committee can be contacted on 02 6277 3540 and / or [email protected].

The Editor

The Plain Truth,

PO Box 2783

New Farm  QLD  4005


Content : Senate Economics Committee, post-GFC banking sector, Storm clients.

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