Try as they might, the CBA can’t hide from the truth.

Reporter : Jimmy Olsen

Content : CGI margin loans, Storm clients, CBA errors, ASIC compensation

Friday 8th June 2012

This article follows on from our previous article (www.commonwealthbankdeception/?p=368) outlining the relationship between the CBA and Storm.   Storm has always claimed that they had an understanding from the Commonwealth Bank that should the CBA / CGI make errors that the bank would acknowledge these errors and fix them with the help of Storm.

The Plain Truth has been provided with the following emails from a source within the office of CBA’s receivers.  Clearly the emails require little explanation.   They can conclusively confirm that in the early 2000’s CBA had indeed made errors relating to borrower unit holdings, admitted these errors and cooperated in fixing the problem which they caused.

You will note that the emails are dated as late as 2004.

The Plain Truth has sighted many such errors and the corrective action which Storm took to help the CBA fix their mistakes.

Wind the clock forward to 2008.  From the evidence gathered The Plain Truth can confidently state that every single Storm client with a Colonial Margin Loan had CBA errors, the majority of which proved to be fatal to these same clients.

It is beyond our comprehension to understand why the CBA felt the need to deny the errors, blame Storm and their own clients, create the need to cover up their errors and then pretend that they would fix everything whilst painting themselves as martyrs.

We apologise in advance for our crudity, but….

…MR RALPH NORRIS, MR IAN NAREV and your cohorts, you lie, you lie, you lie.  As for your famous mia culpa Mr Norris of ‘where we have done wrong, we will put right’, we suggest that you insert that where the sun doesn’t shine.


The Plain Truth,

PO Box 2783

New Farm  QLD  4005

Content : CGI margin loans, Storm clients, CBA errors, ASIC compensation

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