Damian Scattini white knight severely blemished

Reporter: Tricia Takanawa

Content : Damian Scattini floods, Storm Redcliffe, 4BC Brisbane floods

Tuesday 29th May 2012

One can often tell when some people are not telling the truth because their lips are moving.  It seems that firm-hoping Damian Scattini, momentarily at Maurice Blackburn lawyers, may fit this category.


In an interview on 4BC on the 22nd May 2012, Mr Scattini asserted in effect that for the term independent to apply in the event of litigation the entity claiming to be independent entity must not be paid by one side or the other.  In other words – independence can not be claimed where one side of litigation is footing the bill.

In early 2009 a meeting was held at Redcliffe involving Storm clients where Mr Damian Scattini of Slater & Gordon (at that time) was also present.  Mr Scattini was asked a question from the floor about whether he believed that CBA appointed and paid for evaluators would be independent.  Mr Scattini answered an unqualified “YES”.

Mr Scattini’s inconsistency between the 4BC interview and the Redcliffe meeting was challenged in an email exchange by The Plain Truth (see below email) and he was asked to respond.  To avoid any possible criticism of unfairness, The Plain Truth is including the email with the questions from The Plain Truth in full and the email with Mr Scattini’s response in full.

 Mr Scattini’s email response below was approximately 90 words long with more than ample opportunity to provide a straight answer.

Damian Scattini’s response was to deftly avoid answering the question by diversion.  He pointed out spelling errors and the fact that The Plain Truth provided no telephone number among other irrelevancies.  The Plain Truth has noted that in many of Mr Scattini’s appearances he uses derision and demonising tactics to whip his selected group into a frenzy to support his quest for business. On a more positive note this guy is very skilled at what he does, slick and smooth, dresses the part and dare we say even looks good doing it (just ask him).

The problem with people who lie is that they need to have a good memory or they end up contradicting themselves in whatever web they are currently spinning.  We will give Mr Scattini points for at least being consistent in his deceit.  We believe he does not discriminate to whom he is prepared to lie.  It appears that he will lie to anybody.

See our previous story Slater & Gordon and CBA alliance dupes Storm clients for more evidence of Damian Scattini’s ethics.


The Editor

The Plain Truth,

PO Box 2783

New Farm  QLD  4005

Content : Damian Scattini floods, Storm Redcliffe, 4BC Brisbane floods

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